
Select-a-Size DNA Clean & Concentrator

Clean and concentrate DNA from enzymatic reactions in as little as 10 μl of nuclease free water

商家询价 北京天漠科技开发有限公司


High-quality DNA, including cell-free, is easily and robustly purified from up to 10 ml of serum/plasma

商家询价 北京天漠科技开发有限公司

Plasmid Mini AX

Increased efficiency kit for low- and high-copy plasmid DNA purification. Procedure with DNA precipitation.

商家询价 上海云序生物科技有限公司


土壤DNA提取试剂盒 /Soil DNA Kit:从<500mg土壤中提取高纯度的 30ug DNA。无腐殖酸等抑制因子,可直接PCR

商家询价 上海兆吉生物科技有限公司


本试剂盒适用于从新鲜或冷冻的干燥土壤、湿泥、淤泥及海河沉淀物中提取总DNA。本产品使用安全方便,单个样品操作一般可在40分钟内完成。使用本品每克土壤可获得5 μg以上的DNA,片段长度主要在20-30 kb之间。

商家询价 明琛志远生物技术(北京)有限公司

Plasmid Mini

Kit for high-copy plasmid DNA purification. Sample size: up to 3 ml of bacteria culture.

商家询价 上海云序生物科技有限公司


Nucleotide terminators removal kit after cycle sequencing reactions. Sample size: up to 20 μl.

商家询价 上海云序生物科技有限公司

ExTerminator 96-well

Nucleotide terminators removal kit after cycle sequencing reactions. Form: 96-well plates. Sample size: up to 20 μl.

商家询价 上海云序生物科技有限公司